The FoodWorks Window

The FoodWorks application window is opened when you start FoodWorks.

This window provides a view of the open FoodWorks database. Here you can explore all the FoodWorks documents in this database. The name of the database is displayed at the top of the window.

Note To explore reference foods in data sources associated with this database, use the Query view.

The FoodWorks window shows:

By default, only two panes - the Navigation Pane and open document - are shown. To make sure all three panes are displayed, on the View menu, ensure that Navigation Pane and Analysis Pane are ticked,

This screen capture shows the FoodWorks window with a new (empty) dietary analysis database.

The major elements of the FoodWorks window are described below.

Title bar

At the very top of the window, the name of the open database is shown in square brackets [ ].

FoodWorks menu bar and toolbar

The FoodWorks menu bar is displayed at the top of the FoodWorks window.

The FoodWorks toolbar is displayed underneath the menu bar. Most FoodWorks commands are available from this toolbar. Point to a button to display the name of the button as a tool tip.

Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane is displayed on the left side of the FoodWorks window, and shows you the contents of your database —folders (in the upper box) and documents (in the lower box). Clicking a folder displays the documents it contains underneath. Then clicking the name of a document opens that document in the middle of the window.

To show or hide the Navigation Pane: on the View menu, click Navigation Pane.

To resize the Navigation Pane: point to the right hand border until the pointer turns into the resize pointer, then drag to the new position.

When you start FoodWorks for the first time the Navigation Pane will not be shown if your screen resolution is less than or equal to 800 by 600.

Open Document

The middle of the FoodWorks window displays the currently open document, such as a recipe or a 24 hour recall. This document is selected in the Navigation Pane, and its name is also shown in the title bar at the top of the document.

Each document is displayed as a set of tabbed pages. You click a tab to view or edit a page.

Only one document is open at any time.

Analysis Pane

The Analysis Pane is displayed on the right side of the FoodWorks window. It shows analyses of the open document.

To show or hide the Analysis Pane: On the View menu,click Analysis Pane.

To select an analysis, click it in the list of analyses. Note that:

To resize the Analysis Pane: Point to the left border until the pointer turns into the resize pointer, then drag to the new position.

Status bar

The status bar is shown along the bottom of the FoodWorks Window.

To show or hide the toolbar or status bar: on the View menu, click Status Bar.

A window onto the data sources —The Query view

When you click Query on the toolbar, the Query view replaces the normal FoodWorks window. In the Query view you can explore the reference foods in the associated data sources as well as your own documents. You can look for food items high or low in a nutrient or component. For more, see Search for foods in the Query view.