Select an analysis
To select an analysis for a document to display in the Analysis Pane:
- At the top of the Analysis Pane, click the tab for the unit
of analysis:
- For foods and recipes, the units by default are per 100g, MJ, or Total.
- For diets (food records, 24 hour recalls and meal plans), the units are: per MJ or Avg/Day
- Then, in the list of analyses, click the analysis you require (e.g. All Components):
- If the Analysis Pane is wide, the analyses are listed down the left of the pane.
- If the Analysis Pane is narrow, the analyses are in a drop-down menu. To show the list of analyses, at the top of the Analysis Pane, underneath the tabs, click the down arrow.
- The list of analyses varies depending on the type of document you have open. For example, for a food, Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) analyses are not relevant and therefore not shown.
- For a recipe or food that is a liquid: To show the analysis per 100mL, on
the Measures tab for the document,
select the Liquid check box. You
also need to set the volume: on the Measures
tab, select the Liquid check box
and enter the Volume
- For a recipe: To show the analysis per Serve
for a recipe, enter the serve information—see Set
the serves.
- If the Analysis Pane is not visible, on the View menu, click Analysis
- If the Analysis Pane is narrow, you can step through the analyses, click the <Analysis type>
button at the top of the Analysis Pane.
NRV analyses
For Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) to be shown
for a diet document such as a food record, you need to first set the personal details. The available NRV analyses are:
- AI
- UL
- SDT(Min and Max)
For definitions of NRV terms, see the Nutrition Glossary and for more information,
see the NHMRC documentation.
Food group analyses
Select the Food Groups analysis from the list of analyses.
Food groups are available for foods that are selected from data sources (food composition data) that support food groups.
Note that composite recipes and composite foods, where possible, are allocated to the food groups according to their ingredients.
For more information on food groups in FoodWorks, see the FoodWorks support site.
Related topics
Show analyses for selected rows
a nutrient for each food or ingredient
Show or hide the sources of a nutrient
nutrients for the nutrient profile
Show a graph
Trouble-shoot the analyses